Enter your user id and password
For applicants of Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Funding Opportunities:
All DPI sponsored funding opportunities have moved to their own system.
The new DPI system can be reached here: https://nddpi.grants.nd.gov/index.do .
The State’s Enterprise system will no longer work for you.
******EXTERNAL USERS******
You MUST follow the steps below PRIOR to logging into WebGrants!
WebGrants will not allow access until AFTER you have:
- Log into the NDLogin app to confirm account exists or to unlock your existing account: NDLogin Link
- If a successful login, set the recovery phone number and request a verification text to activate the account (The security phone number is not required when setting up an ND Login account, but if not populated you can’t log in to WebGrants).
- Once completed, you should enter your NDLogin login credentials to log into WebGrants
If you already have a North Dakota login that works with other ND apps, you do not need to create a new account!
If you do not have an existing NDLogin you MUST set one up prior to logging in to request access to WebGrants.
North Dakota Login Registration Video
WebGrants uses a NDLogin authenticator and your account will be locked if you try to request WebGrants access before you have an approved NDLogin!
Do NOT use a dollar sign ($) in your ND Login username, you will not be able to log into WebGrants.
Do NOT use the dash (-), (@) or ampersand (&) in your ND Login password, you will not be able to log into WebGrants.
Login Issues? Use the links below for:
Forgot your User ID?
Reset your Password?
2-Factor Authentication
Copyright © 2001-2024 Dulles Technology Partners Inc.
Dulles Technology Partners Inc.
WebGrants 7.4.11